3CX Brings Security and Significant Savings to Douglas County School District
LONDON, UK 30 SEPTEMBER, 2015 - 3CX, developer of the next generation software PBX 3CX Phone System announces that the Douglas County School District (DCSD,) located in Minden, Nevada has successfully deployed 3CX Phone System. The school was looking to replace their system after a major fail over, with a cost-effective and secure communications solution. 3CX Teaches Douglas County School District Lessons in Exceptional Telephony Faced with the task of replacing DCSD's old Nortell analog system and Allworx VoIP system, John Endter, the school's IT Director, decided to consolidate all of the disparate phone systems onto one platform.
New Way to Suggest Features to 3CX
We're really happy to see that a lot of our partners and users are contributing to the 3CX Ideas App, either by posting recommendations or voting for other users' ones! The Ideas App is definitely a great way for us to stay in touch with the 3CX community and listen to what you have to say. In order to improve this experience, we have decided to move our Ideas App to a PHPBB Forum so that we can actually discuss the recommendations you post, something we couldn't do before now. Also, we noticed that the app had a fraud in its voting mechanism, something which has now been resolved. Additionally, with this improvement you won't h