Monday, April 6, 2015

OATP primary

OATP primary

Recruitment Details - UC Berkeley AP Recruit

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 10:10 AM PDT

"UC Berkeley Library is looking for a service-oriented Scholarly Communication Officer whose principal role will be to educate the university community about scholarly publication modes, intellectual property/copyright, and open access issues and services. S/he will be a campus resource on local, national and international scholarly communication developments and activities and their impact on scholarly inquiry and instruction...."

Boston University Adopts Opt-Out Open Access Policy | LJ INFOdocket

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 04:09 AM PDT

"Following the example of 23 of its peers in the Association of American Universities (AAU) and strengthening its commitment to the widest possible online sharing and dissemination of its research and scholarship, Boston University has adopted an Opt-Out Open Access policy for faculty scholarly articles. The policy, which was recommended by the Faculty Council and approved by the University Council, went into effect in mid-February. Under the opt-out policy, deposits into the OpenBU repository of final author manuscripts of peer-reviewed and other scholarly articles would be the default, and open access to the materials a matter of course unless a faculty member opts out by completing a waiver form on a per-article basis. Such waivers would be granted automatically ..."

Inside News - March 2015 - (19/60) -- Open Access to Knowledge: Why it is changing the practice of radiology.

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 04:05 AM PDT

Use the ink to access the full text article.  

10Q: Martin Weller - the battle for open | Learning with 'e's

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:58 AM PDT

"Now and then, I have the privilege to interview some great thought leaders in the field of education. I usually feature them on this blog under the banner of 10Q - ten questions. This time, I'm very happy to interview two of the keynote speakers for the EDEN 2015 conference, which will be held in Barcelona. In a few days I'll post my interview with Jim Groom, but first, here's the conversation that ensued when I caught up with The British Open University's Martin Weller ..."

Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:54 AM PDT

"The mission of the Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies is to serve as a peer-reviewed platform for critical discourse in and around library and information studies from across the disciplines. This includes but is not limited to research on the political economy of information, information institutions such as libraries, archives, and museums, reflections on professional contexts and practices, questioning current paradigms and academic trends, questioning the terms of information science, exploring methodological issues in the context of the field, and otherwise enriching and broadening the scope of library and information studies by applying diverse critical and trans-disciplinary perspectives. Each issue features a guest editor (or guest editors) who will work with the managing editor to shape the issue's theme. Issue editors are encouraged to widely solicit potential contributions and to work with authors in scoping their respective works appropriately."

What is Open? A Primer for Early Career Researchers and Graduate Students

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:52 AM PDT

"An introduction to 'open access' and how it effects graduate students. Presented at the 2nd Graduate and Professional Research Conference, April 2nd, 2015, Iowa State University."

AAAS Annual Meeting celebrates new ways to visualize science

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:42 AM PDT

[See page 1431] " ... Researchers can now use these advances to work across fields and to engage nonscientists in their work. In his plenary address at the meeting, for instance, University of Washington biochemist David Baker discussed how his research on predicting 3D protein structures has led to citizen science offshoots that ask the public to solve proteinfolding puzzles or to donate computing power to identify new structures for medicines and new materials. University of Chicago paleontologist and plenary speaker Neil Shubin also praised the potential of new imaging techniques to open up science to the broadest possible audience. His lab is preparing digital blueprints of Tiktaalik, his research team's famous 'fins to limbs' fossil discovery, so that more people can print out a 3D copy. 'We're entering an age where you don't have to rely on a gatekeeper to study that fossil, you can use the Internet to study that fossil yourself,' he said ... "

After 350 years of academic journals it’s time to shake things up | Science | The Guardian

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:37 AM PDT

"Researchers are estimated to waste 15 million person-hours a year on unpublished submissions to scientific journals. How can we make scientific communication more efficient? This was one of the questions raised at a recent debate at a conference celebrating the 350th anniversary of the Philosophical Transactions, the world's oldest scientific journal, published by the Royal Society. I am in the team of historians from the University of St Andrews who ran the conference, and writing a history of the journal and its editorial practices. We want to bring this history right up to the present day, and so invited four experts in scientific publishing to discuss the present and future of the learned journal. Chaired by Aileen Fyfe, from St Andrews, the roundtable debate ranged from author education to peer review and sustainable business models.  Better training for authors might be one way to save some of those 15 million hours. 'The secret of successful publishing is getting authors to send their best papers for you,' argued Cameron Neylon, Advocacy Director at Public Library of Science. He pointed to the growing number of websites that provide guidance for scientists who want to submit a successful journal article, which can be particularly useful for those new to the field or who come from different cultural contexts.  But why assume those 15 million hours are all wasted? Eva Baranyiová, Vice-Director of the European Association for Science Editors, emphasised the role the peer-review process plays in educating authors about how to write good articles. She said that good reviews were a form of mentoring, which should help authors not only with that article but with future articles too. Diana Worrall, editor of the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, reiterated the importance of reviewers as mentors. It is one of the things her Learned Society is particularly proud of ..."

Draw Science

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:32 AM PDT

"I made this blog because science communication sucks. At Draw Science, science meets art. My medium is infographic. My subject is research. My philosophy is simplicity. To quote Albert Einstein, 'If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it.'"

Draw Science: Open Access Infographic Journal | Experiment

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:29 AM PDT

"Science communication is boring, restricted, and broken. I started a blog, Draw Science, to provide an alternative to reading long, jargon-filled journal articles: infographics. The blog's success has encouraged me to scale up and create an open access, infographic journal.Let's put the art in article."

Wikipedia Science Conference - Wikimedia UK

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 03:24 AM PDT

"In partnership with the Wellcome Trust, we are hosting a two-day conference, around the intersection of STEM subjects and Wikimedia, on 2nd and 3rd September 2015. This is prompted by the growing interest in Wikipedia, Wikidata, Commons, and other Wikimedia projects as platforms for opening up the scientific process ..."

L’open access (OA) dans la production des connaissances

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 02:44 AM PDT

Use the link to access the full text article from HAL. "As part of the awareness of open access, we propose a diagram showing the researcher's role in science communication and the role of open access in the production of knowledge."

The Challenge Arising From Open Access

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 02:38 AM PDT

"In 1998, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) initiated the requirement that publications coming from NIH-funded studies be made freely available to the public through the open-access platform at the National Library of Medicine ( Countries throughout the world have a similar requirement. This requirement was designed to advance the translation of new knowledge to research and practice because most journals were only available through subscription, academic libraries, or professional organization memberships. Many publishers have an open-access mechanism to accommodate researchers' interest in publishing in an open-access form for a fee. Sage, the publisher of The Journal of School Nursing (JOSN), offers open access to authors through Sage Choice ( Additionally there are a number of reputable open-access journals such as PloS One and BioMed Central. The fees for open access are the responsibility of the author, and while some authors receive support for open-access publishing from funding agencies, many do not receive sufficient funding to cover the open-access costs (Broome, 2014). The advancement of open access has spawned a new business model of open-access journals that consists of a number of journals with predatory practices. Jeffrey Beall, a librarian at the University of Colorado, reported on the practice of predatory publishing in open access journals at the International Academy of Nursing Editors (INANE) Annual Meeting in August 2014. He developed criteria to identify predatory publishing (Beall, 2013) and maintains a list of open-access journals meeting the criteria ( Subsequent to Beall's presentation, a project was instituted between INANE and Nurse Author & Editor at the 2014 meeting (INANE Predatory Publishing Practices Colaborative, 2014). The purpose of the project was to call on nursing editors globally to raise awareness of predatory publishing. Journals using predatory practices offer, for a fee, extremely fast publication of manuscripts that have questionable peer review. Typically, editors of these journals are not experts in the field, nor do they have professional editorial boards. The journals do not have membership in the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE; or in the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE; The predatory publishers often have the same editor for multiple journals and construct journal titles designed to entice authors such as the Journal of Nursing, Business and Technology (Pickler et al., 2014). Impact factors that are reported may not be verifiable in the Journal Citation Reports ( Why is the emergence of predatory publishing important to authors, reviewers, and readers of The JOSN? ..."

Annals of Forest Science changes its scope and complies with green open access rules

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 02:30 AM PDT

" ... Annals of Forest Science now fully complies with the requirements of green open access. All papers published in Annals of Forest Science are now made freely available under the publisher's version in an open repository (the French repository HAL) after the binding 12-month embargo which was agreed upon with our publisher Springer. To visit the repository, please go to ARINRA-AFS/fr. The deposit is done under the responsibility of the editorial board of the journal: authors are indeed still free to deposit the published versions of their papers in any institutional repository after the 12-month embargo. Moreover, authors are free to deposit the preprint and postprint versions of their manuscript in any institutional repository of their choice, provided they link the deposit to the published version on the journal's website (http://www. This corresponds perfectly with the criteria of green open access, and we are very happy to announce this evolution in our editorial policy ..."

The implementation of the European Commission recommendation on open access to scientific information: comparison of national policies

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 02:23 AM PDT

"Abstract. Two years after the publication of the European Commission recommendation on open access to scientific information, the critical threshold of accessibility to fifty percent of papers has been crossed. However, this figure is an average and the implementation of the EC recommendation varies from one country to another. The topical issue now is to observe the different steps of implementation and to wonder about the reasons of such a disparity. In order to suggest many elements of the response, this research compares the different levels of implementation in the EU28." 

Open access and open science

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 01:33 AM PDT

[From Google's English] "We point out to readers the video of the day organized at the University of Trento which saw among others the participation of the rector (recently appointed constitutional court), the delegate OA of Trento and organizer of the day, the Head of the Commission Libraries CRUI, Rector Marrelli, Carla Barbati, vice president of the CUN, Giuseppe de Nicolao, and other colleagues and experts of various universities that already practice these policies, in view of the activation of ANPRePS, ie dell'Anagrafe National Scientific publications of professors and researchers ."

Publishers: Serving Authors or Readers?

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 01:30 AM PDT

"The most common way in which we can re-conceive of the economics of gold open access is to think of the publisher as providing a service to the author. After all, in an academic environment (where open access is most likely to flourish) authors are not usually writing their books to receive huge financial returns; they are, instead, paid through their salaried position. The services that academic authors usually want are accreditation (through the coordination of peer review), amplification (i.e. dissemination), copyediting, proofreading, typesetting, preservation (digital or otherwise) and (sadly) prestige for promotion etc. Some publishers dispute that this is a good idea. Steve Cohn, the Director of Duke University Press, with whom I sat on a panel at the National Humanities Center in March 2015, claimed at that point that the value of the Press was in forcing authors to make their arguments more intelligible and in selecting high-quality material, which he consider services for readers (who are the Press's paying customers). Cohn stated, as I interpreted it, that inverting the logic, so that publishing becomes a service to authors, would lead to a situation of declining quality (as well as expressing scepticism over the viability of OA business models). There's something in this that's worth thinking through a bit further. I do not agree that it must be the case that serving paying authors instead of paying library customers ('readers') must lead to a decline in quality control; OA publishers can still use their reputation for publishing high-quality material to deliver an excellent experience to readers. Under an open access mode, they simply do not have to do so by excluding people from reading based on price. However, on the other hand, if work fails a peer-review process (my qualms about what peer review actually denotes aside — a post for another day), even in an open-access environment, then the publisher was not providing a service to an author; it was a service to readers who will not have to read work that a small selection of peers deemed unworthy. I don't think I would consider a publisher's rejection to be a service to me, if I submitted work, for instance. The gold OA mode, then, perhaps actually represents a split in service provision. Readers are served by filtering processes that publishers coordinate and to which academics dedicate their time. Authors are served by typesetting, preservation and prestige. Both groups are served by dissemination, copyediting and proofreading (Cohn thought this was more an advantage for readers as academic authors often believe their own manuscript to be flawless). This all boils down to the fact that academics are split individuals in all systems of scholarly publishing ..."

Collaboration, Growth, and Discovery | ER&L 2015

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 01:12 AM PDT

" ... Kim Armstrong, Deputy Director, Center for Library Initiatives, Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC), and Jay Starratt, Dean of Libraries for Washington State University, presented 'Is Open Access the Golden Ticket? The Real Cost of OA for the Library' a session that examined trends in OA publishing, and noted that some of the early ambitions of the OA movement are not being realized. Citing a September 2014 report from sell-side research and brokerage firm Bernstein Research, Armstrong noted that 11 years after the Berlin Declaration on Open Access, OA content hasn't made much of a dent in the profits of major journal publishers, and OA funding may, in fact, be contributing to those profits via the gold OA model. Separately, Armstrong noted that some major OA journals have increased article processing charges (APC) sharply since launch. For example, the Public Library of Science's PLoS Biology and PLoS Medicine launched nine years ago with publication fees of $1,500 per article. Those fees have since almost doubled to $2,900. CIC recently worked with the Boston Library Consortium and the Orbis Cascade Alliance to survey member libraries to determine the impact of open access costs on their budgets. Of the 69 libraries in the three consortia, 31 responded. Twelve reported that their campus has a fund to support OA APCs, with four libraries responsible for full funding, and five responsible for partial funding. Three did not respond to the question. In addition, 12 libraries reported that OA content has had no impact on collections budgets, 13 described a minor or minimal impact, and three said that OA has increased expenses. Survey responses indicated that 27 respondents had institutional repositories, but only three reported that content in those repositories has resulted in savings on journal subscriptions. The study concluded that while OA does have benefits, significant savings for academic libraries do not appear to be on the horizon ..." African Technology Data Pioneers Gather to Spark Open Data Revolution

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 12:58 AM PDT

"Today, led by the World Wide Web Foundation, fifty African civil society organisations, open data advocates and technology pioneers will come together to take the first steps towards establishing a groundbreaking new policy and investment framework to open up government data in Africa. Following the UN's call for a Data Revolution, this coalition of organisations will agree concrete next steps to unlock the potential of open data across the continent, which experts agree could help beat corruption, spark innovation and improve government services. The event - an interactive workshop being held in conjunction with the High Level Conference (HLC) on the Data Revolution in Africa - will track progress to date towards opening up data in Africa. Participants - including representatives from ActionAid, Africa Freedom of Information Centre, Code for South Africa, IDRC, Social Justice Coalition, William & Flora Hewlett Foundation and the World Bank will take the first steps towards creating a new vision, identifying knowledge gaps, devising new strategies and setting innovative new 2020 targets to deepen and broaden the open data revolution Africa desperately needs. The outcomes of this meeting will be used to inform the main HLC deliberations, which start one day later. This new drive will focus on four areas, namely: Public budgeting, procurement and contracting; Ownership and behavior of private companies and key natural resources (energy, oil, gas, land etc); Public leadership integrity and performance (financial interests, campaign contributions, performance appraisals, records of debates etc); Realisation of human and peoples' rights (census, women, health, education, inequalities, rights enjoyment or denial etc) ..."

SHARE – Another Piece Of The Open Access Puzzle? | Pasco Phronesis

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 12:52 AM PDT

"In recounting developments in U.S. open access policy, I have focused on agency efforts and the emergence of CHORUS, an attempt by publishers to keep eyeballs on research via their journals.  Outside of individual institutions' efforts, I have not posted much about how higher education is addressing the open access requirements set out by the Office of Science and Technology Policy back in 2013. One thing I missed from this 2014 update to Congress on open access policies is the development of SHARE (SHared Access Research Ecosystem).  A project of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), the Association of American Universities (AAU), and the Association of Public Land-Grant Universities (APLU), SHARE appears to focus on means of sharing access to research results across institutions.  I'm tentative in my writing as the project is not as far along.  According to the latest Update newsletter, the public beta should be available sometime this month.  SHARE is focused first on a notification service, and will then work on means for sharing research data.  This is key, as CHORUS does not include research data in its system.  As that is a key part of the open access directive, SHARE, or systems like it, can help agencies address those obligations. The desired end state of SHARE is outlined in this EDUCAUSE Review article ..."

Open Access in EU finally on the Horizon? | European Student Think Tank

Posted: 06 Apr 2015 12:48 AM PDT

"Discussions on the cost of access to articles in scholarly journals have been  rocking the international media in the past months – everywhere from the Economist to the New York Times. The proverbial genie has left the bottle, everyday more researchers, students, and policymakers are realizing how unsustainable today's way of publishing research has become. Complimenting bold initiatives on this issue in the UKand the USA, the EU plans to make all €80bn it will fund through 2020 openly available. Neelie Kroes, European Commissioner for Digital Agenda, has recently said: 'Taxpayers should not have to pay twice for scientific research and they need seamless access to raw data. We want to bring dissemination and exploitation of scientific research results to the next level. Data is the new oil.' In this article, I will try to briefly outline the problem of access to journal articles and current developments at the EU level for alleviating it. Today's students are the largest part of the academic community. As the scholars and policymakers of the future, we should be aware of the steep barriers many face in accessing journals, and how students can work with supportive institutions like the European Commission to be part of the solution ... Horizon 2020 will fund €80 billion in research grants and run from 2014 to 2020. What is revolutionary about this funding framework is that the EU would request that all the Horizon 2020 research be Open Access. This not only means that more than €80 billion of funded research wouldn't end up behind a paywall when published, but the EU would also be setting an important precedent for funding agencies in Europe and around the world. It would openly state: This is how we fund research in the 21st century. Why aren't you doing the same? ..."

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